Organic CoQ10

​🍃Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) has powerful antioxidant properties in the body. However, levels decrease as we age and with certain cholesterol-lowering medications. As a dietary supplement, regular crystalline CoQ10 supplements are known to be poorly absorbed.

CoQ10 also plays critical roles in mitochondrial function. It is the only nutrient directly embedded in the cell’s electron transport chain, which is the final step in cellular energy production. This process generates over 90 percent of your body’s energy.†

CoQ10 is well known to support cardiovascular health. Your heart muscle cells contain high concentrations of mitochondria, which require CoQ10 as a coenzyme for energy production. CoQ10 may also support normal heart rhythms, blood vessel function, and healthy blood pressure.†

CoQ10 supports healthy:†

  • Mitochondrial function

  • Energy production

  • Aging processes

  • Skin

  • Cardiovascular, immune system, and neurological function

  • Normal inflammatory responses

  • Ovarian function

CoQ10 comes in two forms—Ubiquinone and Ubiquinol.

Ubiquinone is found commonly in the majority of CoQ10. Ubiquinone is the completely oxidized form of CoQ10. When taken, this supplement is actually metabolized within our bodies where it becomes Ubiquinol.

✅ Ubiquinol after the age of 40 is prefered

  • Under the Age of 35: 100-200 mg of Ubiquinone once daily

  • Over the Age of 35: 100 mg of Ubiquinol CoQ10 has been an accepted supplement for our elders for many years now for its amazing results in slowing the age process.