Acne Prone Skin

💕 If you are looking to heal acne, open pores, and blackheads naturally, this page is for you.

Conventional Acne Treatments 

Conventional acne products work by drying your skin out to shrink the bump. This leads to peeling and a longer healing time. Instead, the products listed here are made with natural ingredients, they heal by nourishing and purifying the skin.

  • ​❌ Salicylic acid: common acne fighter that causes irritation

  • ​❌ Benzoyl peroxide: common acne fighter that causes irritation

  • ​❌ Tretinoin: common acne fighter that causes irritation

Organic Acne Treatments 

Here you will find the safest and most natural spot treatments, blemish products, and natural acne and patches designed for surfaced acne and whiteheads,  for “hot spots” like your chin, nose, and cheek where acne clusters break out.

If you are looking to reduce the size of your pores this blog has helpful tips.

💕 I also recommend regularly using a delicate and natural scrub, my favorites are listed here

Check your diet, avoid processed food, and choose organic food

I also recommend organic silk pillowcases!


  • Lavender is great for both oily and dry skin. It is able to balance the oil production of the skin. Lavender regulates the production and over-excretion of sebum (oily/waxy substance that the body produces to moisturize the skin). Over-production and excretion of sebum causes oily skin and clogged pores which can lead to acne and other skin issues. Lavender can reduce acne, especially on the back, forehead, and chin where Sebaceous glands are more prevalent. Lavender also promotes skin healing and rejuvenation and can reduce scarring.
  • Rosemary: has anti-microbial and antiseptic properties. It is beneficial in skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, oily skin, and acne. Consistent use can tone the skin and give it a healthy, even glow.