Organic Vitamin D

​🍃It’s estimated that roughly 42% of the US is deficient in Vitamin D – making supplementation a good option for anyone who doesn’t get enough of the sunshine vitamin, especially for individuals with low sun exposure (such as due to clothing, geographical location, and lifestyle), a diet that doesn’t include seafood.


​🍃The amount of vitamin D needed by each individual varies for several reasons, such as the use of sunscreen, skin tone, and climate. Because vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient, and dosing can vary, we recommend consulting with your healthcare provider to determine your optimal dose. Don’t overdose as it could be toxic. Some recommend 10 micrograms per day for most people.


Vitamin D3 is a very important nutrient, especially if you’re low on natural sun exposure.​


​✅ BONE & IMMUNE SUPPORT: Adequate levels of Vitamin D can support your bone health and your immune system. They also promote a positive mood. 


We all know how important  Vitamin D  is and, since it is something we take regularly, we want the safest and most absorbed version possible. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that we obtain from some foods and nutritional supplements, or make in our bodies after exposure to the sun.


Vitamin D3 instead occurs naturally in fatty fish, fish oil (especially cod liver oil), egg yolks, and beef liver. Stay away from synthetic vitamin D2 that is usually added to dairy products and it is not typically well-absorbed or included in sufficient amounts.


Vitamin D forms: liquid drops and liquid spray, capsules, creams, and gummies.

  • Vitamin D is derived from the lanolin in sheep’s wool

  • Vegan options from fruits 


Vitamin D contains cholecalciferol derived from cholesterol in sheep’s wool, but there are vegan options as well. Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) is the same form of this vitamin that your child’s (and your) body naturally produces when exposed to sunlight. Many Vitamin D3 supplements are made from the grease secreted from sheep’s wool and then processed to produce synthetic Vitamin D3. 

  • VEGAN VITAMIN D3: Lichens are one of the only plant-based sources of the more highly bioavailable Vitamin D3. Scientists think that these lichens create Vitamin D3 in response to UVB exposure, the same way that our skin creates Vitamin D from the sun.[6]

Vitamin D3  can be taken along with Vitamin K2, these two nutrients work better together! While Vitamin D supports calcium absorption K2 supports the proper distribution of calcium to your bones.

I searched everywhere and I collected the best brands on the market. I recommend the USDA Certifed Organic Versions!