Organic Thyroid Support

🌿On this page you will find the best organic thyroid products designed created to support you on a cellular level by nourishing and invigorating the underlying tissue state with warming, thyroid-focused adaptogen blend. 

There are so many things involved when it comes to maintaining healthy thyroid function: it’s not just about hormone production, but also about immune balance, active hormone conversion, cellular absorption (which can be affected by occasional stress) and even iron status and absorption. We need to integrate formulations or comprehensive blend that support each of these areas with herbal allies and micronutrients that help us function and feel as we were meant to. Formulated with revitalizing and moving herbs and natural ingredients that help to address the often overlooked, lingering elements related to optimal thyroid health and cognitive function.


Thyroid gland has important roles including regulating everything from metabolism to energy and cognition, thyroid hormones affect every major system in the body and play a role in how we feel each day. This includes the warmth of our hands and feet and even the way we’re able to stay sharp and think on our toes. When dealing with occasional stress, your body aims to protect you from the harmful effects of exposure to excessive stress hormones like cortisol. To do this, your brain (the H part), can down-regulate the entire HPAT axis (including the T for thyroid) which can leave us feeling worn down and foggy.


🌿 In herbalism, they look at the overall ‘tissue state’ of the human, rather than just the health of a singular gland to help you feel your best. For someone who’s feeling mentally foggy and colder than most, they’d consider this a ‘cold’ and ‘stagnant’ tissue state, where aromatic, warming and moving herbs are indicated to support feelings of sluggishness.


Additionally, the enzyme 5′-deiodinase is responsible for our active thyroid hormone conversion process, and it can be limited by everything from stress and elevated cortisol to gut health and nutrient status. Thyroid-loving adaptogens Eleuthero, Schisandra, and Ashwagandha assist those of us feeling depleted and worn out. These herbs were chosen for this blend as they each have a unique affinity for thyroid support by maintaining both normal thyroid hormone absorption and conversion. These resilience-strengthening plants quite literally help us “adapt” to stressors more effectively, helping us to maintain normal and healthy energy, metabolism, drive, motivation, mood, and even body temperature regulation.


🌿 In a TCM lens, Schisandra is a “Kidney” meridian adaptogen, specifically nourishing to the Kidney Yang (our deep sense of warmth and vitality), balancing the cold/damp tissue state mentioned earlier. Schisandra’s unique broad-spectrum and complex blend of all five medicinal flavors (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, acrid) reflects its wide-ranging impact on the different organ systems of the body and is considered to benefit all five “yin” organs (Heart, Lung, Spleen, Liver, and Kidney).*



🌿 On this page there are the most natural and supporting products made with holistic formulation. These comprehensive blend contains not only vitamins and minerals, which act as essential building blocks to nourish and support healthy thyroid function and conversion, but adaptogenic herbs as well which help combat barriers to optimal thyroid and metabolic health by warming the body, supporting circulation, and aiding the HPAT axis.*


🌿Here you can find the safest and the most natural products on the market to support your thyroid gland and functions!

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