Review: Blueland

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❌Approved or not Approved?


Not recommended brand:

Blueland is all over on social media. It seems so attractive with their “eco -friendly” packaging and refills.

While it is a great method to reuse the refills in order to cut unnecessary use plastic containers, their ingredients could have been way better. Especially now that they have made so much money by selling their brands thanks to their clever marketing team.



I don’t  approve  products or brands that claim: “They’re formulated  without harmful ingredients. “ or “ high quality natural ingredients” “conscious ingredients” 

or claim on their home page: 


when they use pink, blue,  yellow synthetic colorants when we know they are commonly petroleum derived. Do you call this couscous and high quality ingredients? 

Plus I don’t support companies that mention that they are all natural when obviously uses synthetic ingredients, colorants and other controversial ingredients. Including fragrance where can hide more than 3000 undisclosed ingredients!   


Not all their products are EWG certified, only their fragrance-free laundry and dishwasher tablets! And the list ingredients list on ewg is not complete or updated, did you notice that? 

MADE SAFE only certifies of 1 of their products body wash, and not entirly, jus the base. That is not enough for me!

Did you check their safely data sheets?

12.1: Toxicity: This material has not been tested for environmental effects.

Let’s analyze their ingredients:

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❌Approved or not Approved?


It is up to us on deciding on what you want to bring at home. It is up to us to push to higher standards and to motivate brands on doing better, when they are still using synthetics ingredients when their are safer alternatives available. Or to tell them to not mislead us with their marketing claims. 

I don’t approve Blueland for the simple reason they are selling their products to people  making they think that is completely natural, selling as that is completely natural , and they are not: GREENWASHING.

They have al the resources and capital to sell better, safer and more eco friendly ingredients but that will cut their profits.

They have a great method of reducing plastic but that should not entitle them to greenwashing people by claiming that everything is safe and natural when they put fragrance and synthetics ingredients in their refills. 

They should not abuse people trust by thinking they are abusing people trust by buying safe and natural pructs 

Conclusion Blueland ingredients could be way better to match their mission! I won’t recommend then until that update their formula by eliminating the cheap and toxic ingredients mentioned above. They have  all the resources for that! Beside Meliora they are so many other more natural and organic cleaning brands out there that won’t don’t use petroleum based ingredients, or synthetics fragrances, me and many in my community are chemicals sensitive so Blueland is very harmful to us! 

Beside that I don’t recommend petroleum based ingredients or synthetic fragrance to anyone! 

🌿 Here you can find safer and approved alternatives made by transparent and more honest brands. These products are made with certified organic and natural ingredients!

💖 Shop with my links to support my research! 

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