Baby Pharmacy

🍃 I am always in favor of healthier and natural alternatives to conventional medication in general and I prefer natural, integrative solutions whenever it’s possible.

Most medicines contain potentially harmful genetically modified ingredients like lactose, corn syrup, and flavorings derived from questionable ingredients. 

Also, they may contain unnecessary artificial inactive ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup, talc, artificial dyes, flavors, and preservatives.

They may also contain common allergens such as gluten and lactose.

You can find a list of Naturopathic doctors who will prescribe a healthier diet, better lifestyle, exercise, vitamins, and supplements, rather than prescription drugs. ​Better for your health and the environment. 

​ ​🌿 My favorite Homeopathic baby medicine brands are all listed below!

​​​✨Now you are ready to give your medicine cabinets a new look! Have fun while getting healthier! 

Where to dispose properly unused medicines

💊There are 6 million Americans who misuse controlled prescription drugs and today is your opportunity to finally clear up your medicine cabinet and give it a new face with natural alternatives.🌿

Here is how to dispose of unused medicines. Even though I don’t recommend this option since it can intoxicate the environment, Here is the FDA’s Flash-approved list of medicines and  Here disposal of unused medicines.

♻️If you missed “National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day”  you can still dispose of them at an authorized collection place.

To locate one, click here  

✅ These locations accept unused or expired prescription medication. They can be safely disposed of, instead of ending up in a landfill or in someone else’s hands. Proper disposal of them protects us and also the environment🌴 ​

What to avoid:

❌ Petroleum jelly: It is a derivative of oil refining. Petroleum can damage and suffocate your skin and studies from Columbia University found that a petrolatum impurity is a known carcinogen. These byproducts are things we’d never want in our products, including known carcinogens like Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and 1,4-Dioxane.  “If you wouldn’t put it in your baby’s mouth, then why would you put it on their skin?”

❌ Menthol: Not for babies. While research suggests menthol can benefit adults by helping the body produce more mucus, this increased mucus flow may cause respiratory distress in babies as their tiny nostrils may not be able to handle it. That’s why I recommend this Baby Chest Rub menthol-free. 

❌ Hydrogenated Oils: They have chemically altered versions of natural oils. In fact, they can be only one molecule away from plastic!

What to choose:

USDA Certified Organic means the ingredients are non-GMO, grown without pesticides or antibiotics, and they’re chemical and dye-free.

✅ Fragrance-Free: Did you know, when you see the word “fragrance” on a label, the FDA doesn’t require a brand to disclose what’s in it? It makes it nearly impossible to know what you’re getting. That’s why I recommend never using fragrances.

🌿Here you will find the recommended brands: