Acid Reflux 

Many of us deal with acid reflux or GERD and that is because that has been an increase of acid ingredients used as preservatives in food in the more recent decades. One comment acid preservative in food is citric acid, found almost everywhere.

Acid reflux happens with the lower esophageal sphincter lets the acid travel back up the esophagus or throat. This can cause a burning sensation. 

Conventional Anti-acid Products 

Traditional remedies are antacids, H2 receptors, and proton pump inhibitors.

  • H-2-receptor blockers: such as Pepcid AC and Zantac can cause cancer.

  • Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) and H-2 receptor blockers aren’t recommended for extended use. These medications, which include Prilosec, Prevacid, and Nexium aren’t recommended for extended use. They can even cause a risk of stomach and esophageal cancer.

  • Conventinal Anti-acid I avoid medication and I found that regular anti-acids such as  Tums, Alkalizer Gold, and Pepcid AC are full of additives and colorants and added flavors often with lemon or mint, two great acid-forming. 

Greenwashing Anti-acid Products

❌ Avoid Greenwashing companies that want to convince their products are safer, and healthier when they are overcharging their not-so-organic or natural products made with cheaper and not-so-natural ingredients to boost their profits.

Organic Anti-acid Products and Natural Remedies 

For me, the biggest trigger is eating out or getting prepared food such as prepared frozen meals. They tend to be too spicy and peppery and with lemon or vinegar dressing. What really helped me is to make a few lifestyle changes, diet, and supplements. They helped me to improve without the use of medication or intervents that many wanted to prescribe me. Talk with your natural doctor to see if these tips can help you!


Organic Wedge Pillow

Wedge Pillow is the first thing any doctor will recommend to heal acid reflux. Sleeping in an elevated position prevents stomach acid from escaping the esophagus and reaching the throat! You can find the best organic wedge pillows listed here.

​✅ Change Diet

Besides the change of diet by following Dr. Aviv’s book recommendations you will see below, it is also standing up! Yes, sitting especially after eating will create pressure on the stomach making it release the acid-up.

So stand up, and buy a stand-up workstation. You will see the difference immediately. 

First of all, we need to eliminate the major acid food that causes acid inside our body and add more alkaline food and drinks. This is a natural healing process and it can take time. Follow it until you feel better. 1 or 2 months.

Avoid all these listed below:

  • Acid Food: remove vinegar, lemon, oranges, coffee, chocolate, mint, alcohol, spicy red chili peppers, black pepper, tomatoes, garlic, and onion. If that is not enough, also remove gluten, dairy, corn, and eggs.

  • Chocolate: choose an Alkaline Chocolate alternative: carob. 

  • Citric acid: avoid food containing citric acid, once derived from citric fruit now a cheap mold derived made in a laboratory.  Conventional cheaper lab-made citric acid Manufactured citric acid (MCA) is derived from a mold. “Approximately 99% of the world’s production of MCA is carried out using the fungus Aspergillus niger, a known allergen, identified merely as “citric acid” in ingredients lists. The FDA has generally considered it safe, but no scientific studies were performed to evaluate the safety of MCA when ingested in substantial amounts and with chronic exposure.”  

  • Baby Carrots: avoid baby carrots since they are treated with chlorine even the organic ones, since they are cut, baby carrots are washed in a chlorine-water solution, choose the full-size USDA Certified Organic untreated carrots.

  • Fried Food: very irritating and unhealthy in general​

  • Wine: It is very irritating, especially red wine and super alcoholic drinks 

  • Conventional Water: Choose alkaline water such as Mountain Valley Water

Lifestyle changes 


Organic Multivitamins and Supplements

If you are taking regular antacids, it is recommended by my naturopath to intake organic multivitamins and especially minerals that could compensate for bone loss.

  • Avoid Irritants Ingredients: Avoid ashwagandha, ginger, coffee, and turmeric-containing supplements, especially the ones containing added pepper for absorption. I found them to be very irritant to the stomach.
  • Avoid Magnesium Citrate made with citric acid. Choose Magnesium Glycinate

  • Avoid Conventional Vitamin C: the traditional and cheap Vitamin C made with ascorbic acid. Choose this Vitamin C


Take supplements and especially multivitamins with minerals, since anti-acid products can reduce minerals 

  • DGL: deglycyrrhizinated licorice, proved to be safer also with high blood pressure people. It can help to treat ulcers and support gastrointestinal tract health. DGL helps support the body’s natural defense mechanisms by stimulating mucus in the stomach’s protective lining and esophagus from acid.

  • Calcium Carbonate: natural antacid, found on many popular antacids brands, the only issue they add colorants and other addictive, so it is important to find a pure calcium carbonate antacid brand. I listed them below. 

  • ✅Organic Aloe:  aloe is soothing but you need to find it without citric acid or lemon juice often added as natural preservatives. It better is if you pick the raw aloe leaves. 

  • Slippery elm: found in many natural antacid supplements

  • Marshmallow root: found in many natural antacid supplements




On this page, you will find the best organic products for acid reflux and GERD on the market!

Shop with my links to support my research!💖


