Natural remedies for Fissures 

Organic and Natural Products for Fissure 

🌸 If you are on this page is because you are dealing with fissures!

I know what you are going through, and I know how difficult they are but I can tell you that can will heal and you can do it all naturally without those nasty products full of chemicals, colorants, and side effects! When I was dealing with fissure, the proctologist prescribed me compound medication that needed to be applied with gloves and I asked why because it was toxic and they wanted to avoid the absorption through to skin. I didn’t want that internally either!! I refused to use it. 

Also, the conventional laxative prescribed was full of colorants and we know all the side effects of conventional laxatives. That too I didn’t use it!


​Here is how I healed it naturally!

First, go to a proctologist to confirm that they are fissures. Then you are ready for an all-natural and organic healing path. When I received the doctor’s prescriptions I checked the compound made by the pharmacist and it had on the label literally the poison warning, if ingested or touched, that’s why the pharmacist encouraged me to use it with a glove, but it would be still absorbed on an open wound! I basically trashed it.


Natural remedies for fissure 

🌿 WATER:  drink much more water than usual. I listed here my favorite water

🌿 LAY DOWN: Don’t sit, even on a donut pillow, I spent a week in the bed, or standing as much as I can, when sitting trying to sit on the side.

🌿 FOOD: Eat liquid meals, especially smoothies and veggie blended soups, and baby food. Lentils soup, beans. Have prunes and prune juices. Have a pear a day. You want to soften as much as you can. Avoid all spicy food and sharp food such as tacos, crackers, popcorn, and crunchy and dry food, avoid rice, white pasta, white bread, and red meat at all costs, no alcohol, and reduce sugar, carbs, and gluten.

🌿 SUPPLEMENTS: this supplement is what really made a difference: OZONATED MAGNESIUM OXIDE then MSM to help the skin heal. Vitamin C is a natural laxative.

🌿LAXATIVE: I tried the natural laxative Senna, while it was the most organic option on the market, it still caused me some cramps, it is never designed for long-term use. For some people work. Organic prunes or prune juice daily. until better. Since they are high in sugar I recommend them for the short term. Also, dried prunes can create hives for people with histamine intolerance. Natural laxative and stool-softening properties. Just three prunes provide the body with three grams of fiber that can help keep you regular. Additionally, prunes contain phenolic compounds that work to stimulate intestinal contractions that help you poop more often.

🌿 SUPPOSITORY: fundamental for healing and for facilitating the stool passages. Here is the only natural suppository I was able to find it. You can also make your own suppository with a suppository tray: mix organic coconut oil with 3-5 drops of this organic fissure oil. Then put it in the freezer until solid. Before applying let them melt until soft.

🌿 TOPICAL: this natural cream is refreshing and protective to use again before and after the bowel movement, and this organic fissure oil is magic. This organic herbal perineal spray has been very refreshing and soothing. Again they are all-natural without side effects. Also, apply Witch Hazel diluted with some water, or mix it for your sitz bath.

🌿 SITZ BATH: They are an important part of healing to use soon after a bowel movement to relax the tense and contacted area. These organic sitz baths are highly recommended.

🌿 SHOWER: daily warm showers directed at the lower back are extremely healing and relaxing. Since that area has been proven to have lower blood circulation, warm water is perfect for speeding the recovery with its therapeutic massage.

🌿 WALK: Walk to keep things moving and blood circulating

🌿 TOILET POSITION: if your fissure is on the upper side, sit on the toilet facing the back, in this way you will have support on the back creating less skin stretching.

🌿 TOILET PARER Use softer organic toilet paper.

🌿 FIBER: I used organic flax seeds, Organic Acacia Fiber, and this organic probiotic


​Even after healing you still want to watch your diet, have fiber, supplements, and keep applying some of your favorite products for the maintenance phase as preventions.

🌸 Dealing with fissures and wanting to avoid the side effects typical of conventional treatments, this page is for you! Here you can find the most natural treatments available on the market!

Here you can find the most natural treatments available on the market!