Low Mercury fish

💠  Cold water fish are most frequently found in the oceans. 

Warm water fish are found in rivers, streams, lakes, and the ocean. 

Cold water fish are traditionally much larger than warm water fish. Due to the need to survive in a cold environment, cold water fish eat more and store more fat to grow larger. 

Cold water fish have a much higher level of fat in them than warm water fish. The fat levels allow the cold-water fish to stay warm in cold water. 

Cold water fish often contain higher levels of mercury due to their higher fat levels. Mercury is stored in the fat of the fish which is why consuming too much cold-water fish can potentially lead to mercury poisoning.


💠Salt water fish tend to have more omega-3s than freshwater varieties. They tend to live in deeper, colder water which makes it necessary for them to produce additional omega-3 fatty acids as insulation. Mackerel and sardines are particularly well-known for containing high amounts of this fatty acid.

Safest fish brand on the market. Only fish that has been tested for mercury below FDA safe zone standard. safer also for pregnancy. These salmon and tuna are tested to a mercury limit of 0.100 ppm, which is 22 times stricter than the FDA limit! 

💠Wild salmon is caught in natural environments such as oceans, rivers, and lakes,

It eats other organisms found in their natural environment, they are healthier and with brighter natural color. Rich of healthy omegas nutrients and minerals.

Farmed fish are contained in smaller spaces and it has a completely different diet and environment than wild fish. They are given a processed, high-fat, high-protein feed in order to produce larger fish. Since farmed salmon has three times the total fat of wild salmon, a large part of these fats are omega-6 fatty acids, making them more inflammatory.

Mercury and toxins 

Mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) find their way into the ground, lake, and ocean water from industrial waste and household, and then into they reach fish. 

Some types of fish may contain high levels of mercury, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), dioxins and other environmental contaminants. Levels of these substances are generally highest in older, larger, predatory fish and marine mammals.

Five of the most commonly eaten fish or shellfish that are low in mercury are shrimp, canned light tuna, salmon, pollock, and catfish. Avoid eating shark, swordfish, king Mackerel, or tilefish because they contain high levels of mercury. FDA

I become very concerned about mercury and other toxins in fish. I reduced my fish intake, I replaced my fis oil with vegan fish oil (algae based) yo can find them here.