Men Organic Suplements

Men and women have very different bodies, hormones, and nutrient needs. If you know a man who’s dragging, he could probably use a boost!

These organic supplements, tinctures, and multivitamins listed on this page are formulated specifically for men’s needs to encourage overall well-being.

With heart and prostate health along with healthy energy levels. No synthetic ingredients and no megadoses; just exactly what the body needs and can utilize. 

​🌷 As a father, your genetics are passed along to your child, as you may well know. But did you know that your genes can change expression based on your nutrition and environment, and therefore your child can inherit those epigenetic markers?

This means supporting your own genes before trying to conceive can help pass along only your “best” genes to your child.

Difference between Multivitalims and Prenatal for men

Specific nutrients are needed to support healthy male fertility. Most men’s multivitamins are lacking:​​

  • Carnitine

  • Antioxidants

  • Active folate & B12 to support healthy mitochondria, methylation, and MTHFR variants*

  • Boron & Zinc to support healthy testosterone levels*

  • Choline to promote healthy sperm production and CHDH gene variations related to infertility*

  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Alpha-Lipoic Acid & PQQ to promote healthy energy production, cognition, and antioxidant levels*

  • Maca Root Extract, Panax Ginseng & Eurycoma Longifolia Extract to support healthy testosterone levels, energy production, and sexual health*

It is ideal to start Prenatal at least 3 months prior to trying to conceive.

Zinc-containing supplements should be taken with food to avoid stomach upset

Take at least 5 hours away from bedtime. The form of ginseng (Panax Ginseng) can be stimulating and energizing for some.

Other recommended supplements

CoQ10 and if you are 35 older or want extra support take Ubiquinol the better version for increased optimal absorption.

DHA from fish oil or if your vegan for algae. Essential fatty acids are important for healthy male fertility, antioxidant levels, cognition, and mood. Monoglyceride form for optimal absorption