Chlorine Remedies 

Chlorine is the cheapest pool chemical, usually made in China, and responsible for not only intoxicating us but also the environment!

Pool owners when they opt for chlorine are really trying to save their money at the expense of the swimmers! There are so many chlorine alternatives. I recommend changing the pool and letting the pool owners know your feedback!

Chlorine can also irritate your scalp, dry your skin, and make it itchy.

I have very sensitive skin so I react to chlorine or saltwater pools.  I usually apply a generous amount of organic body oil all over my face, and body and an organic hair serum, I wear goggles and a swim cap.

This provides a protective coating for your hair, face, and body skin. Like a barrier keeping moisture in and warding off the chemicals and dryness. It seems to protect against further irritation. 

Chlorine not only can irritate your skin, eyes, scalp, and ears but it can your light-colored hair green.

It comes from the combination of copper and chlorine. 

Chlorine dries and damages your hair by stripping it of its natural oils, which weakens it and leaves it susceptible to breakage and split ends. Exposure to chlorine in pools can be damaging to your hair, causing dryness, frizz, and even discoloration. Here are some tips to help you protect your hair from chlorine:

How to protect Skin, Eyes, and Hair from Chlorine 

✅ Before swimming

  • Apply  Organic Leave-In Conditioner and Organic Body Oil: Apply a leave-in conditioner or natural oil, such as coconut or olive oil, to your hair and skin. These products can create a protective barrier, helping to seal in moisture and reduce the absorption of chlorine.

  • Protect Your Hair with an Organic Hair Mask: Use a deep-conditioning or hair mask treatment regularly to nourish and moisturize your hair. This can help counteract the drying effects of chlorine.

  • Consider Protective Hairstyles: Tie your hair up in a braid, bun, or ponytail to help minimize its exposure to pool water with these organic hair ties. This can reduce the surface area of your hair that comes into contact with chlorine.

✅ Shower off before getting in the pool.

Soak up your hair and skin with fresh water before jumping into the pool. When they are soaked with cleaner water, your hair and skin are less likely to soak up the chlorinated pool water.

✅ Use a Swim Cap

Consider wearing a swim cap to create a barrier between your hair and the pool water. Although not completely waterproof, a swim cap can significantly reduce the amount of chlorine that comes into contact with your hair.

✅ Protect Eyes

Wear Google. I use this model that is made with high-quality material in Italy. I also suggest rinsing your eyes with this natural eye spray if they are irritated. 

✅ Rinse After Swimming

After swimming in the chlorinated pool, take a long shower, possibly with chlorine remover shampoo and body wash. Make it a priority to rinse your hair and body with fresh water as soon as possible. Use lukewarm or cool water to remove any chlorine residue.

Vitamin C products

Vitamin C neutralizes and reduces the exposure of Chlorine, it is used in many shower filters as well.

Organic Vitamin C Shampoo & Body Washes

Organic Shampoo and Conditioner use a clarifying shampoo specifically formulated to remove chlorine buildup from your hair. Follow up with an Organic Deep-conditioning or Organic Hair Mask treatment to replenish moisture. Apply a hair conditioner, generous restorative organic face and body cream, and hair defrezzer if needed.

My favorite Vitamin C Body washes are:

My favorite Vitamin C Shampoos are:

✅ Organic Vitamin C Serums 

Vitamin C neutralizes chlorine, so pick shampoo and body washes that contain natural vitamin C found in citrus, lemon, lime, and oranges. For Organic Viatmin C Serums here

✅ Organic Vitamin C Supplements 

I listed the Best Organic Vitamin C Supplements on the market here. Taking vitamin C from the inside can help to protect from chlorine exposure. Vitamin C also helps to boost the Immune system, and get energy during water activities.

Take Organic Hair Supplements and Skin supplements 

✅ Vitamin C Shower Filters

​Vitamin C shower filters are designed to remove chlorine. I listed the best shower filters  on the market here 

Hydrate from Within Maintain a healthy diet and drink plenty of safer water to keep your hair hydrated from the inside out. Well-hydrated hair is more resilient against chlorine damage.

Limit Chlorine Exposure. If possible, try to minimize your time in heavily chlorinated pools. Look for saltwater pools or pools treated with alternative methods, such as ozone or UV, which may be gentler on your hair.

Everything listed below can help you to keep your skin and hair healthy!

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