Organic Bread Gluten-Free

I am Italian, I grew up eating classic pasta dishes. My grandmother and mother are excellent cooks. Each region has its own tradition in its recipes and menu. I am from Rome where Pasta, Pizza, and bread are staple foods.


I started to eat gluten-free and noticed many digestive improvements, so I started to search for the best organic gluten-free bread on the market.


Even though there are many Certified Non-GMO food brands out there, I still recommend selecting only Certified organic food products, since they are more strict than just non-GMOs. 

You can see it in detail here: 



With multiple food allergies and autoimmune diseases around, I know how important is to choose the right foods that can heal.


Achieving wellness is different for everyone, and your motivation to seek to feel better and heal by choosing the right foods brought you to this page.


Many people find relief from autoimmune disease and chronic inflammation by eating a gluten-free diet, and grain-free diets have also become very popular.

If you prefer or need to embrace a grain-free diet, it means eliminating any grains such as corn, wheat, oats, and rice. 


This new grain-free lifestyle can improve your digestive system and bring better overall health including improved digestion and a reduction in autoimmune symptoms.


Typical gluten-free bread usually contains high sugar and offers low-nutrition ingredients such as grains such as rice, corn, and oats. Conventional almond flour contains propylene oxide, a super toxic fumigant. Organic almonds four does not.


The best flours are made with gluten-free & grain-free ingredients that are plant/nut based and high in vitamins and minerals.  

This page is dedicated to people that want to eat deliciously and organically and feel good without missing out. This page is a list of approved pasta brands made with just simple ingredients.