Organic Christmas Tree

🎄Christmas Tree: Real or Fake?

We all want the safest Christmas tree. Which one is really the safest option? How do we choose the safest Christmas trees for our family?

Whichever way you decide, I recommend adding this air purifier to remove possible mold and pesticides or PVC.

Which Christmas Tree is better for the environment? Real or Fake? 

  • A.C.T.A~ The American Christmas Tree Association, representing sellers of Fake Trees claims: The environmental impact of a fake tree is lower than that of a real if you use it for 5+ years.

  • N.C.T.A ~ The National Christmas Tree Association, representing the sellers of real trees claims: a tree made out of oil, turned into PVC plastic in China, and shipped over a boat, cannot be better than growing a real tree.


🎄Fake Trees

PVC Artificial trees: worse option 

Let’s start to say that Artificial trees are made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) a type of plastic. It can contain harmful additives such as LEAD a neurotoxic and PHTHALATES, hormone disruptors, and both are classified as “carcinogenic to humans”. Plus they have flame retardants. They often come with CA prop 65 warning

According to CNN: ” “If the artificial trees are used for a longer lifespan, that balance changes,” Finton told CNN. “And I’ve read that it would take 20 years for the carbon balance to be about equivalent.”

That’s because artificial trees are typically made of polyvinyl chloride plastic or PVC. Plastic is petroleum-based and created at pollution-belching petrochemical facilities. Studies have also linked PVC plastic to cancer and other public health and environmental risks.”

PVC – alternative Christmas trees: worse option 

Made of polypropylene (PP) or polyethylene (PE), even they are safer types they may still contain lead and flame retardants.

A newer alternative is made with 64% polyethylene.

  • They are made with plastic PVC

  • They contain  Lead

  • They contain flame retardants

  • They are not recyclable 

  • They end up in landfills.

  • 90% are shipped from China

  • They are carbon emitters

While the purpose of a tree is to clean the air. 10 million artificial trees are purchased each season.



🌟🎄Real Trees 

The issues with Conventional Real Christmas Trees are the pesticides and herbicides, but they are still a more eco-friendly and safer option than fake trees made with petroleum coming from China.

🎄Cut Tree: not the best option

When are sold cut they are a waste of resources: planting, fertilizing, and watering need to be taken into account for real trees.

According to CNN: “The real tree grows, it absorbs carbon dioxide from the air. Protecting forests and planting trees can help stave off the worst impacts of the climate crisis by removing the planet-warming gas from the atmosphere.

If trees are cut down or burned, they can release the carbon they’ve been storing back into the atmosphere.”

7 million real trees will be dumbed in January rather than recycled.

🎄Potted Tree: a better alternative

Even they make you believe that cutting down a tree for the Holidays is not a big deal since these Christmas trees are not cut down from wild forests on a large scale but they are crops grown on-farm like lettuce or corn, I don’t agree with this! They could sell them potted and be less polluting by not creating this use and throw away system. A potted tree can be reused for years.

A live tree is better than a cut tree! I always felt sorry fr these abandoned trees left on the street after the holidays. 

A 5-6 FT tree takes just under a decade to grow. The trees provide many benefits to the environment, cleaning the air and providing watersheds and habitats for the wildlife. They grow best on rolling hills that are unsuitable for other crops.

Three are expensive right now because fewer were planted during the recession in ’08.

Another reason to buy a potted tree, they are too precious to be cut and be discarded on the curbs.

  • ✅ PVC-free 

  • ✅ Lead-free

  • ✅ Flame retardants-free

  • ✅ CA Prop 65 warning free

  • ✅ They are Biodegradable

  • ✅They are a carbon sink

  • ✅They smell so good

  • ✅ They are real

  • ✅ They can be repurposed

  • ✅ 15-30 million harvested each season from the farm

In conclusion 

According to Medical Medium: Even Christmas trees are sprayed with a concoction to keep them green as long as possible. Even fake Christmas trees are treated with nanotechnology solutions that can set someone off.

Real Christmas trees are a much more sustainable choice than artificial trees. You can buy or rent it.

🎄Live Potted Tre ~ Good option: when you buy a live potted tree is better from a responsible, local tree farm. Ask them their practices, if they use pesticides. Let them know you prefer organic trees. We demand and support organic farming.

Potted Christmas tree is the better choice, it is more authentic, has a real smell, it has been working to improve the environment until it reaches your door by purified air and absorbed C02. It is life and you will have fun by taking to care of it.  New York Time

🎄RENT a Live Potted Tree ~ Better option:

in the  USA 



Evergrow Christmas Tree

In the UK


🎄Organic Live Potted Tree ~ Best option: the best option is a Live Potted Tree from Organic Farming, you can enjoy it year after year or plant it outside when it is too large for your outdoor decorations!

Organic Christmas trees locations Pesticides and herbicides – free 


Whichever way you decide, I recommend:

  • This approved  Air purifier to remove possible mold, pesticides, and other contaminants or PVC.  Running this  Air purifier in the same room as the live tree generates cleaner air, especially around sensitive or allergies individuals, in order to reduce your mold exposure and lessen the effects of your tree allergies. Same if you have an artificial tree to reduce the PVC effects.

  • This approved Mold Remover Product manages mold grown around an indoor Christmas tree. EC3 Mold Solution Spray is a natural botanical that treats indoor environments for mold and mycotoxins.  Highly effective and ready-to-use, EC3 Mold Solution Spray is safe for all materials, surfaces, and fabrics, and contains no harmful chemicals.