Organic  Cooking Oil

Toxic Cooking Oils to Avoid 

🤢Avoid these toxic cooking oils! They are the most unhealthy oils you could get.
Plus they are all packed in plastic bottles!
❌Highly processed, GMOs, too high in omega-6
cheap to make and highly toxic, extracted with the neuro-toxins hexane.
I avoid all these inflammatory oils:
👉Canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil, vegetable oil blends, peanut oil, sunflowers, and safflower oil!

I strictly avoid restaurants that use these oils! If you don’t know which oil they are using, ask your restaurant!
We all deserve healthier options!


Canola Oil

❌ Canola oil is everywhere and almost in every restaurant.

🔬According to Food Babe “Canola oil is extracted from rapeseed plants, that have been bred to have lower levels of toxic erucic acid… In 1995 they also began genetically engineering (GMO) rapeseed to be resistant to herbicides, and now almost all canola crops in North America are GMO…Canola oil consumption has been linked to vitamin E deficiency and a shortened life span in animal studies.” ​​​
​​🔬According to the Weston A. Price Foundation:
“Like all modern vegetable oils, canola oil goes through the process of caustic refining, bleaching, and degumming–all of which involve high temperatures or chemicals of questionable safety.” ​​​
​​🔬According to Food Babe: Most cooking oils go through an insane amount of processing with chemical solvents…the “solvent” that is most often used to extract the oil is the neurotoxin hexane …Hexane is a cheap byproduct from gasoline production, that is a serious occupational hazard and toxic air pollutant. It’s been shown that some hexane residue can remain in the oil, and the FDA doesn’t require food manufacturers to test for residues. ​​​
​​Convinced? My suggestion is to eat at home as much as you can and bring these organic olive oil packs with you! 

🍃That’s why I bring with me little handy olive oil packs, and I generally ask the chef to use only this USDA Certified Organic cold-pressed oil for my dishes. Easy to carry along with you.

🍽They allow me to have dinner out, but without loading my body with unhealthy and inflammatory canola oil or other cheap oils that restaurants seem to carry. Why? They can be used with higher heat and are cheaper for the restaurant to buy, but they are highly processed. ​​​


Organic Healthier Cooking Oils

✅ The best alternative is:

USDA Certified Organic, unrefined, expeller-pressed:

  • 🫒Certified Organic Extra Virgin olive oil
  • 🥥 Certified Organic Virgin Coconut oil
  • 🥑 Cold pressed avocado oil
  • 🧈 Grass-fed butter and ghee