What are EMFs?

Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) also called “Electromagnetic Radiation” (or EMR’s) are emitted by Modern technologies. These lower frequencies are sent out and absorbed by the body. These lower frequency, man-made electromagnetic radiation have not been experienced or studied before since they have been introduced in the last few years. 

​EMF Sources

WiFi routers, cell phones, computers, laptops, tablets, electric cars, power lines, dirty electricity, and Bluetooth devices. You can check  cell towers and antenna sources here

EMFs and Health

Fatigue, concentration difficulties, sleep disturbances, immune system imbalances, headaches, cell damage (DNA and free radical damage), and evidence of Alzheimer’s and cancer risk. 

Children’s risk: They absorb over two times the radiation of adults.  (Source: ScienceDirect.com)

  • 10,000 studies prove EMFs have harmful effects. 4,000 non-biased studies Bioinitiative.org, which is a non-biased EMF organization.

  • Determined as “safe” levels or “biologically-based precautionary standards” as follows:


Adult: < 1 Milligauss

Child: < 0.5 mG

    • CELL PHONE, WiFi (Microwave) Levels:

Adult: < 30 MicroWatt/m²

Child: < 10 MicroWatt/m²

  • The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have classified electromagnetic fields produced by mobile phones (emfs) as a Group 2B agent. (Possible carcinogen to humans). Group 2B includes Round-up, lead, gasoline, and engine exhaust.

EMFs Solution

All the products listed here are earth-based and tested extensively using kinesiology testing by a number of professional holistic practitioners.

They have concluded the same or similar results against WiFi, A/C, powerlines, automobile EMF’s, electrical appliances, cell phones, cell towers, and computers and laptops.  These products DO NOT reduce EMFs but rather harmonize them by using proprietary products that filter the EMF.

EMFs how to reduce them
  • Put your cell phone on airplane mode at night and keep it out of your bedroom entirely! 
  • If your state allows it, opt out of having a smart meter on your home.
  • Keep all modems and routers out of your family’s sleeping areas.  
  • Hardwire your computer into your modem instead of using WiFi
  • Hook a Christmas light timer up to your modem and set it up to turn off while you sleep.
  • Choose wired headphones instead of Bluetooth headsets/earpieces
  • Opt for a Convection oven over a microwave.  Steam Convection Oven.
  • Move your baby monitor base as far from your baby’s head as possible.  Unfortunately, baby monitors are some of the worst culprits in the home. 
  • Replace your hard-wired alarm clocks with battery-operated alternatives.  
  • Choose incandescent light bulbs over fluorescent and LED.
  • Don’t wear a smartwatch!