Organic Foot Care

👉Do you know what to avoid when you are going for a spa or medical pedicure? 💅

🔎Foot products, including the expensive ones, often feature this ingredient, promoted as an important part of foot treatments:

👉I am talking about PARAFFIN!!

⁉️Why do we need to avoid it and refuse any service with paraffin?

Because paraffin is petroleum-derived!☣️

⚠️It is a petroleum byproduct from the processes used to refine crude oil into various fuels like gasoline. 

⁉️Who wants that on your feet or hands??

👉It can create chemical sensitivity and toxic reactions, such as swelling or breakouts.

⚠️List of a few common chemicals often present in paraffin wax:

* Trichloroethane

* Chlorobenzene

* Ethylbenzene

* Styrene 

* Xylene 

* Phenol

* Cresol

* Cyclopentene

* Acetone, and more


🌎Environmental impact:

As the byproduct of crude oil, a nonrenewable resource, paraffin wax is considered harmful to the environment.

🤢Aside from the toxins it emits and air pollution, the mining of crude oil has its own environmental impact.

👉Crude oil production has destroyed the natural habitats of endangered animals and plants and has resulted in oil spills.

⁉️Who wants to support that? 🤑

👉So next time they offer you paraffin foot or hand mask, paraffin bath, paraffin foot wrap, paraffin wax, paraffin foot cream, paraffin whatever…

🙅‍♀️firmly refuse it and inform them with the reasons why you don’t want that ingredient to be absorbed by your body or to be released into the environment!

👉Why listen to their lies when we have way more honest and safe foot products:

💚 They are listed here on this page, made with only organic ingredients, in eco-friendly packaging, and NO PARAFFIN WAX!!

⚠️Paraffin is often found in conventional candles as well.

Today, 95% of candles use Paraffin wax, which was introduced in the 1850s.

⁉️Who wants to breathe that?

so Read the label and pick only certified SAFE candles, you can find the approved brands here💚