Kids Supplements

Traditional children’s vitamins are based on nutritional guidelines from the 1980s, contributing to various health problems that can last a lifetime.

Traditional children’s vitamins can cause more problems than they solve. Most medicine and multivitamin brands use unnecessary artificial inactive ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup, talc, artificial dyes, artificial flavors, and preservatives.


As a precaution, millions of parents give their kids vitamins. But look closely and you’ll see these “vitamins” are filled with sugar, preservatives, chemicals, and other synthetic gummy junk kids should never eat. A typical kid’s multivitamins are 5 grams of added sugar. That’s as much sugar as an Oreo cookie — typically given by parents to kids daily as a way to be “healthy.”  


According to the numbers, 98% of kids eat too much sugar, which can lead to lifelong problems with childhood development, mental health, obesity, and more.* Sugar is the new cigarettes — we are only now beginning to understand the negative effects of daily sugar intake, which is why our vitamins will never contain added sugar. They also contain common allergens like gluten and lactose.


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