My Mission

I want to introduce my mission:


💚My journey started more than 10 years ago, when I first researched a lesser-known world, the world of more natural and responsible companies!

I went deeper and searched through ingredient lists, learned their effects, and became aware there are choices, better choices that exist!

💚I realized that with our choices, we make an impact, and that impact can benefit us, our community, the environment, and improve the market demand for more responsible and transparent companies! Leaving no choice to the other companies, but to follow their example!

⭐️How powerful we can be when we all embrace a more organic lifestyle when we take care of our health and the health of the planet! 🌎

💙I understood that not everyone was aware of this, which is why I started my blog in 2016!

I am so excited to see how my passion in bringing awareness to alternatives to conventional products, and showing healthier and organic choices in our lives has touched so many people!

💖I have changed the way my followers think about making a purchase, with a better understanding of how to analyze a product

💙As you may know, I created this account because I believe that people deserve better than being intoxicated or green-washed by misleading brands. I believe that together we can change the world:

💁‍♀️As always I mention: 10% of my work is on Instagram and 90% is on my blog! The most detailed organic blog in the USA.

👉 400 pages-long full of investigations, bringing to the spotlight greenwashing and toxic brands and recommendations for the best organic brands on the market listed under each category with promo codes!

💖To support my blog please shop from my links!


🎥 by Earth Relaxation

✨ I created my website: to introduce you to the best organic and eco-friendly products and services on the market.

💖Since there are still many cosmetic companies selling conventional and products high in chemicals, and many people still trust the big names, big companies and corporations, assuming their products are not harmful.

I am here to help you spot conventional-unsafe products and find better-safer alternatives

⚠️Greenwashing marketing strategies, with not so eco-friendly products that claim to be “non-toxic,” ”natural,” or even “organic,” using the color green or carefully crafted graphics on the packaging to mislead us, the consumers into making a purchase.

👉These words are not legally regulated and if there isn’t a certification such as USDA, GOTS or GOLS Organic Certification seal displayed on a product, they can say anything they want.

🌿On the other hand, there are many responsible companies that care about us and the planet. They work hard to offer us what we want and they clearly list every single ingredient.

✅They go through expensive and strict certification screening in order to carry the Organic Certificate seals. They are the ones that deserve to be rewarded with our wallet!👏

💚Let’s be educated, empowered, and shape the market, for our own wellness and the health of our planet!

👉Once you have learned and have the knowledge, you feel empowered, ready for change for the better.🌈


🎥 by Earth Relaxation

✅ Family owned business versus big corporations!

🔎 Reading the label is the most powerful tool that we the consumers have!

It can help us decide if the products are safe and allow us to shape the market through demanding safer alternatives! By reading labels, it becomes apparent we can trust and support smaller family owned businesses.

🔎 Why?

Because often, big corporations’ main interest is to be profitable at the expense of the environment, workers, and us–the consumers.

Some have been selling us cheap, unsafe products, full of fragrances, and misleading us by giving us the impression their products are good for us!

Since we are demanding transparency and safer products, big companies started to make new natural products, mostly because they want to avoid losing profits after realizing consumers are moving toward healthier products!

🔎 How clean are their natural products?

They do it by adding only one natural ingredient or removing just one toxic element from their inexpensive formulations, but their products can still remain cheap and unsafe! They might also use the greenwashing strategy, to cover up their dirty secrets, so be sure to read the labels on the back carefully and skip their marketing claims on the front of the packaging!

💚 On the other hand, family owned businesses are created by real people, who might have seen something lacking in the market, some could not find natural and safe products to be used safely by their family, so they made what was missing! Thanks to their problem solving skills and the need to do better, they came up with organic, safer, and eco-friendly products that we all can enjoy.

💻 My marketing and business studies background allows me to differentiate real from misleading claims! After 10 years of studying and analyzing every product label I could read, I learned that many safer and healthier products on the market are made by smaller family owned businesses!

💙 I support green companies that want to help people achieve the health and lifestyle they deserve! After all, we pay for products and services, so why not be paying for something that benefits us?! That means to start viewing the products not for their attractive packaging claims, but by reading the ingredient lists for food, cosmetics, and for even clothing! I know that we deserve better and more companies that think about our future. We are strong enough to send to the other companies (the ones with only financial goals in mind) the message that their marketing strategies (including greenwashing) are not working with us! They have left us with no choice but to seek out more transparent and eco-conscientious products made with respect for the environment! We are making an impact that is changing the market by demanding a more organic and healthier lifestyle!

I am glad to know that I have changed the way my followers think about making a purchase, with a better understanding of how to analyze a product: this is my biggest reward! Thank you for being a part of this change!💙💖💙💖💙

💗🎉I am amazed to see how my lovely community has grown to MORE THEN 10,000! I am so excited to see how my passion in bringing awareness to alternatives to conventional products, and showing healthier and organic choices in our lives has touched so many people!

💚My journey started years ago, when I first researched a lesser known world, the world of more natural and responsible companies!

I went deeper and searched through ingredient lists, learned their effects, and became aware there are choices, better choices that exist!

💙I understood that not everyone was aware of this, which is why I started my blog! While I continually tried to inform family, friends, and people who I met in the gym or grocery store, I wanted to reach more people!

💚I realized that with our choices, we make an impact, and that impact can benefit us, our community, the environment, and improve the market demand for more responsible and transparent companies! Leaving no choice to the other companies, but to follow their example!

💙How powerful we can be when we take care of our health and the health of the planet!

Grateful to have such smart, curious, responsible, activist, determined for change, educated followers!

💖I thank every single one of you for being a part of this journey. I couldn’t do what I do without you! THANK YOU for being part of this pretty organic lifestyle and for being so inspiring! 🌍

💙Happy Earth Day!! For me, this is a very important day since it is the core of my page! I’m super excited to see how many amazing organic and green brands are coming out and all this thanks to brave and caring entrepreneurs and the support of people like you who choose a product with love and care for our beautiful planet! This is an amazing journey that brings our community closer as a big family! So empowering to see this organic movement and so excited to be a part of it! Let’s make every day Earth Day!! 

💙As you may know, I created PrettyOrganicGirl, because I believe that together we can change the world. 🌎

I believe that when we all embrace a more organic lifestyle, it is not only better for us, but for our environment! 🍃

💚It is my mission to educate and share what is available in the organic world!

I have been sharing my favorite organic and sustainable products, services, places, brands, and eco entrepreneurs!


🌎More than ever, we should be eco-conscious in our actions. There will be a noticeable increase in plastic pollution due to the pandemic.

We have plastic regulations getting rolled back, while at the same time a major increase in the use of disposable plastic protective gear, such as gloves, which often can be seen discarded on the street.

🌱That’s why I gathered all products that are 100% biodegradable, compostable, non-toxic, and 100% plastic-free! We have the choice to not contribute to this plastic invasion worldwide and instead feel like eco-superheroes!

Protect yourself and the world at the same time! A list of eco-friendly gloves, 😷 reusable eco-face masks and compostable masks, organic hand sanitizers, eco-disinfectants, and 📦 organic home delivery are here! ​

💖We need to be grateful every day!

I want to share with you how grateful every day I am to be in this amazing community of visionary people. To be able to reach so many of you and share information and the tools of a healthy and organic world! I know that change requires more energy and effort than just buying the same toothpaste or shampoo that you are familiar with, so it is inspiring when I see you deciding to buy organic products, showing that you are ready to make the healthy switch for a better you and a better community!

I know that this switch is also necessary when it is proven the traditional big names brands are not making the healthy products they want you to feel it is! I learned years ago that we would need to be educated in order to make the best decision for us, our family’s health, and the environment. The reason for this blog is so I could inform and share what I learned during my path. My blog shows the best products in their category I have found. It is my mission to inspire others and to help you get the best available out there! I have even rejected companies asking me to promote them when I didn’t believe in their products or companies! I only talk about what I believe in and use personally! My website is the most accurate organic database about products and services in all the categories I could think of. I could not find a place where all the content was organic and safe, so I made one! Many people reach me asking how to buy “my” products. I simply reply that I don’t sell them, I only redirect to the company websites.

This is a guide to give people the right tools to make the best choices for our health and for the environment!🌎

💙Yayyy! Legislation has been proposed for a new label in the apparel industry, which would help protect marine life! 

If passed in California, a new label will require disclosing when a garment is made of 50% or more from synthetic fibers!

This new proposed law targets plastic micro fibers shed from clothing made with synthetic fabrics.

California State Assemblyman Richard Bloom says, “…synthetic fibers are, by count, the single largest contributor to watershed plastic pollution in developed countries and account for a significant portion of plastic waste entering the ocean.” It is suggested the label read, “This garment sheds plastic microfibers when washed, which contributes to marine plastic pollution.” If the governor signs it, the law would take effect January 1, 2020.

A study found about one quarter of the fish sampled in a California market contained plastic!! This is fish that will end up on someone’s plate.

What can we do until then?

Avoid synthetic materials such as: polyester, acrylic, nylon, rayon, acetate, and spandex. Choose instead GOTS certified material such as cotton, linen, wools, silk, and eco-friendly bamboo, hemps, and ramie (flowering plant). There are so many options now for eco-friendly, beautiful apparel. The choice is up to you!💙​

💖 Since there are still many cosmetic companies selling conventional and high chemical products, there are still people who need to be educated. Many still trust the big names, big companies, and corporations, assuming their products are not harmful.

✨ It is why I created this page! To educate you on what is really inside products, to introduce you to safer alternatives. I want you to be able to spot conventional-unsafe products and find better-safer alternatives. Once you have learned and have the knowledge, you feel empowered, ready for change for the better.🌈

🌿 Be aware of green-washing marketing strategies, with not so eco-friendly products that claim to be “non-toxic,” ”natural,” or even “organic” using the color green or carefully crafted graphics on the packaging to mislead us, the consumers into making a purchase. Remember that these words are not legally regulated and if there isn’t a USDA Organic Certification seal displayed on a product, they can say anything they want.  

🌟 On the other hand, there are many responsible companies that care about us and the planet. They work hard to offer us what we want and they clearly list every single ingredient. They go through expensive and strict certification screening in order to carry the USDA Organic Certificate seal. They are the ones that deserve to be rewarded with our wallet!

Let’s be educated, empowered, and shape the market, for our own wellness and the health of our planet!