Allergy Remedies 

Seasonal allergies, also commonly referred to as hay fever or allergic rhinitis, generally cause a variety of symptoms that primarily affect the nose and respiratory tract. If you have allergies, it means that your immune system is recognizing a certain substance as a threat. When your body comes into contact with the substance, the immune system overreacts and begins to fight the substance, thus causing your allergy symptoms.

Allergy symptoms can vary from season to season and case to case, but some of the most common symptoms include:

  • A runny nose

  • Itchy, irritated, and red or watery eyes

  • An itchy nose and itchy throat

  • Sneezing

  • Nasal congestion

  • Fatigue that results from poor sleep quality caused by nasal congestion or other symptoms

  • A dry, mild cough

Understanding Allergy Triggers and How to Avoid Them

Many things can trigger allergies, and once you identify your allergen or allergens, it may become easier for you to avoid exposure to that allergen and lessen your symptoms.

Common triggers of hay fever include:

  • Outdoor allergens such as pollen from grass, trees, weeds, and mold spores

  • Indoor allergens like dust, pet dander, pet hair, or mold

  • General irritants such as cigarette smoke, perfume or other strong fragrances, and car exhaust or other strong fumes

If you have seasonal allergies, your symptoms will generally peak during certain times of the year, such as when the seasons change from spring to summer or summer to fall. Your symptoms may also be worse on certain days when the pollen counts are particularly high, and you may experience particularly severe symptoms in the morning as pollen counts tend to soar in the early hours of the day.


Organic Allergy Care

When you need more effective relief, allergy medications or a natural remedy may be able to help. You don’t have to spend another season closing the windows and staying inside, thanks to herbal allies that support your deepest foundation. Our bodies are most prone to imbalance when the seasons change, and this includes sensitivity to environmental irritants. 


Here are the safest on the market:

Made with Natural herbal formulas designed to keep you bright eyed and breathing easy so that you can enjoy your Spring days with ease. They keep your nasal passageways feeling open and clear by supporting a normal, healthy response to pollen and environmental irritants. They maintain normal histamine metabolism as the grass gets greener and flowers start to bloom — so you can continue feeling your best during pollen season and beyond.