Organic Essential Oils

Using only Organic and Safe Ingredients found in Nature. Pure Plant Extracts and Organic Essential Oils. It will turn your car into an organic garden.

Organic Car Air Freshener

The Best Organic Car Air Fresheners

Have you smelled that strong fragrance inside a typical Uber, or Lyft car? They are full of chemical and toxic ingredients that are provoking headaches and sickness to many passengers. I am one of these. I would also ask them to remove them and to open the windows. They are so unnecessarily toxic and polluting for the environment that I wish these car-sharing organizations to change their policies to accommodate this issue, for safer healthier, and more comfortable rides.

If you are dealing with chemical sensitivities like me check this page 

Conventional Car Air Fresheners 

❌ They are intoxicating, unhealthy, and made with unnecessary cheap, toxic fragrances that pollute such a small space that needs to be shared. They have been associated with headaches, nausea, respiratory toxicities, and other health issues. I wish Uber Lyft, and other similar car-sharing services would ban using these controversial and irritant products.

They create a messy and smelly environment and release harmful chemicals and excessive waste.

Organic Car Air Fresheners 

✅ On this page, you can find the safest air fresheners on the market.

🌿 Made with the most possible safe and natural ingredients before picking one be sure you are not allergic to the specific ingredient or essential oil extract!

Non-toxic air fresheners. Not overpowering. No unnecessary waste.

These Organic, non-toxic air fresheners are thoughtfully crafted for you, your pets, and the planet.

✔️ No Toxic Air Contaminants
✔️ No Reproductive Toxins
✔️ No Endocrine Disruptors
✔️ No CMRs (carcinogenic, mutagenic, or reprotoxic chemicals)
✔️ No Hazardous VOCs
✔️ No Flames or Soot
✔️ Ecofriendly packaging, Biodegradable, Recyclable Paper

🌿 My number one recommendation is Enviroscent, the only full line of organic, non-toxic car air fresheners dedicated to providing safe scents for people, their pets, and the environment. Their products are made with essential oils, free of toxins, liquid-free, and use biodegradable and recyclable paper. By offering the most convenient and eco-friendly air freshener products, Enviroscent is leading the way in creating a mess-free, sustainable, and innovative approach.