
Organic Products for Constipation 

🌸 If you are dealing with constipation and or hemorrhoids and want to avoid the side effects typical of the conventional treatments, this page is for you! Here you can find the most natural treatments available on the market!

🌸 Constipation is very common, and it can happen in people of all ages. Constipation definition is when you are having three or fewer bowel movements per week, but realistically constipation largely depends on what is and is not normal for you. Constipation can happen if your colon is absorbing too much water out of your stool due to slow digestion, and it can result in dry and hard stools that are difficult and painful to pass.

AVOID IRON SUPPLEMENTATION: If you are experiencing constipation due to iron supplementation, be sure to get enough fiber and water in your diet.

Constipation tends to cause the following symptoms:

  • Stools that are dry and hard

  • Bowel movements that are painful or require you to strain

  • Stools that are difficult or painful to pass

  • Feeling like you have not completely emptied your bowels even after passing stool

🌸 It is more common in

  • People with a slower metabolism, less exercise, and less muscle contraction strength, or people of older age.

  • Women, especially pregnant women or women who have recently given birth

  • People who are not eating enough fiber

  • Those taking certain medications

  • Those with certain medical conditions or health issues, such as digestive disorders or neurological diseases

🌸 Technically constipation happens when your stool moves through your large intestine too slowly, resulting in the colon having too much time to absorb water from it. As a result, too much water gets taken out of the stool, causing it to become dry and hard in the digestive tract.

Laxatives: There are many different types of laxatives available, and different types of laxatives can work in different ways, but all laxatives are intended to bring relief from constipation by making it easier for you to pass stool.

Senna specifically can work to increase the amount of water in your stool, making it softer and easier to pass.

Laxatives may work best if you make sure to drink plenty of water, eat enough fiber or take fiber supplements, and get appropriate amounts of exercise while you are using them. 

Fiber: I used organic flax seeds, organic Acacia Fiber, and this organic probiotic

Prunes: organic prunes or prune juice daily. until better. Since they are high in sugar I recommend them for the short term. Also, dried prunes can create hives for people with histamine intolerance. Natural laxative and stool-softening properties. Just three prunes provide the body with three grams of fiber that can help keep you regular. Additionally, prunes contain phenolic compounds that work to stimulate intestinal contractions that help you poop more often.

Water:  Drink much more water than usual

Food: Eat more liquid meals, especially smoothie and veggie blended soups, baby food. Lentils soup, beans. Have prunes and prune juices. Have a pear a day. You want to soften as much as you can.

Avoid all spicy food and sharp food such as tacos, crackers, popcorn, and crunchy and dry food, avoid rice, white pasta, white bread, and red meat at all costs, no alcohol, and reduce sugar, carbs, and gluten.