Hair Salons 

The majority of hair salons use conventional hair products. Often full of toxic chemicals, unhealthy for them and for their customers. Many hair salon owners realize about his toxicity and environmental pollution only after they are affected. They will then switch to a more sustainable, and natural approach to running their business.

If you are a hair salon business owner I encourage you to make the switch now, or if you are a brand new hair salon that wants to take that approach from the beginning I congratulate and applaud you for doing that.

There is no reason to keep selling, promoting, using, buying, and selling and using in customers products that are known to be unhealthy. With so many great natural brands offering organic hair products that not only are safer for the community but also perform better!!


I could charge each hair salon for a consultation, my mission is to provide you with the best information for a bigger goal, so here is the free guide on how to turn and create your organic hair salon:


Green Circle Salon 

✅ Green Circle Salon helps to make your salon a Certified Sustainable Salon. a recycling program that helps to reduce the enveromental impact exclusively for salons.

There are 250,000 salons in the United States, they create 421,000 pounds of waste per day. Excess color going down the drains, foils, cotton, saran wrap, hair, and color- -tubes are only a few examples of how this industry compromises our planet.

55 percent gets buried in landfills, 12.5 percent goes to incinerators and roughly 33 percent gets recycled – closer to 10% gets recycled in NA.

Able to recycle over 80% of their waste. – 95% If every salon in the United States would get behind it, together they would be able to recycle 336,800 pounds per day.

Your hair salon could be part of this amazing organization, which will guide you to be ahead of your competition be a hero in the environment, and be appreciated along with your eco-conscious customers!

If you are a customer looking for a beer hair salon, choose a Hair Salon that partnered up with Green Circle Salons


Eco-friendly disposable Gloves 

Here you will find the best sustainable gloves on the market, they are certified and they are comfortable plant-based, plastic-free nitrile gloves. I use them daily. Reach me for the business order discount that you ca get only through me:

Eco Gloves


Organic hair care brands

I have decades of research for the best organic brands on the market that are not greenwashing.

They offer professional-grade hair products and they are found in the best organic hair salons in the world.

The recommended organic hair brands offer you a discount through me:

email me to get access to the full list: