Organic Leggings 

It takes 713 gallons of water to make a non-organic t-shirt. 713 gallons of water is enough for a person to drink for 900 days.

There are some powerful individuals who take advantage of something that is shared with the rest of humanity for their own interest and that is the planet! 

​Conventional Leggings

🌎 Conventional cotton is considered the dirtiest crop in the world with its 16% insecticide and 7% pesticide use on the planet! 

Cotton is considered the world’s dirtiest crop due to its heavy use of pesticides. Conventional cotton requires farmers to purchase seeds every year from AG chemical companies like Monsanto.

Roundup Ready Cotton (RR Cotton), has been genetically modified to survive the herbicide weapon called glyphosate Roundup, invented by Monsanto. Resulting in predictable consequences of stronger weed resistance to glyphosate, which in turn led to an increase in pesticide use. The glyphosate rate of application per crop year has tripled on cotton farms. 

According to the Organic Trade Association, cotton is one of the most heavily sprayed crops in the world, accounting for 16% of global insecticide use. This pesticide use can lead to soil degradation, water pollution, and harm to wildlife and human health.

Conventional Cotton: Avoid conventional cotton of any kind. Any cotton brand without the GOTS Organic Certification seal is considered conventional = toxic.

Synthetic leggings: are made of polyester, nylon, acrylic, spandex, rayon, or polyamide.

These clothing release 9MILLION plastic microfibers into the ocean every time we wash them. They make up 35% of the primary microplastics found in the oceans!

We can either wait for the institutions to act to protect us or we can take action now with our wallets to change the system. 

We can start now to protect our health and the health of the planet by not feeding the profits of these toxic and extremely wealthy companies.

While there are those who keep intoxicating us and the polluting world, it is up to us to not feed this unsustainable system. How? Here is what you can do:

​Greenwashing Leggings 

Greenwashing is when a brand pretends to be organic, eco-friendly, natural, or safe when it is not. They use misleading greenwashing techniques, tactics, and claims to convince you to buy their products! ​

❌ Avoid greenwashing cotton brands made by companies started by venture capitalists and then sold their brands to greedy multinational corporations. Or sold by large corporations such as H&M, and Zara, which are feeding the organic and sustainable cotton demand with not misleading cotton: cotton without certification.​

These companies focus more on profits, cutting quality and costs, and spending on marketing. 

Claiming to be “natural or even organic cotton” is not enough! They need to prove that!

❌ Greenwashing Cotton: Even if they claim “organic” or “natural”  cotton, if they don’t display the GOTS Certified seal, they may have something to hide.

While there are those who keep intoxicating us and the polluting world, it is up to us to not feed this unsustainable system.

Here is what you can do:

You can reduce this environmental and social impact by choosing certified organic cotton!



​Certified Organic Cotton Leggings

✅ Safer Cotton: The best cotton you can get is Certified Organic, GOTS Certified Organic Cotton. 

 ☁️Certified GOTS organic cotton is made without toxic chemicals and pesticides. It protects the soil and compared to conventional cotton, organic cotton saves:

  • 💦 Water (91% less water used) 

  • ⚡️ energy (62% less energy)

  • While 👩‍🌾protecting farmers who work the crop!

​GOTS Certified Organic Cotton

🍃 The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is the worldwide leading textile processing standard for organic fibers, including ecological and social criteria, backed up by independent certification of the entire textile supply chain. The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) was created to set criteria for how fibers and textiles must be ginned, knitted, woven, dyed, manufactured, and labeled. 

🍃The standard covers the processing, manufacturing, packaging, labeling, trading, and distribution of all textiles made from at least 70% certified organic natural fibers. The aim of the standard is to ensure the organic status of textiles, from harvesting of the raw materials, through environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing up to labeling.



GOTS seal Certified Organic logo




🍃Brands that carry the  GOTS certification don’t allow pesticides or insecticides in their cotton, their dyes cannot contain toxic material and the production has to follow strict environmental rules. Making these items completely sustainable.  💗

GOTS Certified Organic It is incredibly soft and durable, compared to conventional cotton. Organic cotton even prevents skin rash and protects delicate skin, sensitive skin, dry skin, and skin allergies, chemical sensitivity, with psoriasis or eczema.  Especially for baby’s skin!

✅ GOTS Certified Organic Cotton: is the worldwide leading textile processing standard for organic fibers, including ecological and social criteria.Get familiar with the logo, spot it on  👗clothing, bed sheets, kitchen towels, 🧖‍♀️bath towels, linen, 🧦socks, robes, pajamas,👩‍🍼baby clothes, and more.

💚 When I decided to wear more Organic Cotton, I started to look for only Certified Organic products and look at what I found! Once you try organic cotton you won’t go back! I just placed another order!!😉 

🍃By choosing only GOTS Certified organic, we are sending a clear message to the toxic and greenwashing cotton companies: their marketing strategies are not working with us. By not supporting their brands, we are reshaping the market for better and more responsible products.  I am determined to support only companies that care about us and the planet. 🌎

Here you can find my favorite GOTS Certified Organic cotton brands:

My number one recommendations are:

Shop with my links to support my research 💖