Organic Toothbrush

Conventional Toothbrushes 

Do you know that every plastic toothbrush you have used in your life still exists?

Yes, even the toothbrush you used when you were a child, is still there along with all the other toothbrushes you used.

❌ Avoid Plastic toothbrushes: Over 5 Billion plastic toothbrushes are produced every year worldwide. Plastic never biodegrades because it is not part of nature’s food chain. Using and disposing of plastic toothbrushes is a habit that cannot sustainably continue. Plus putting plastic in the months daily is not recommended. 

If you are shocked as me then here is what we can do: from now on let’s use only toothbrushes made with eco-friendly, sustainable sources such as silicone, bamboo, wood, and plastic-free bristles. Stop supporting big polluting brands that keep producing plastic toothbrushes without being responsible for what they are causing to our planet and living species, especially marine life. 

Organic Toothbrushes

Silicone toothbrushes: it is my first choice since it is considered the most hygienic toothbrush available

Bamboo toothbrushes: are biodegradable. Bamboo, like other woods, degrades naturally and has a high strength-to-weight ratio, making it an ideal material to make toothbrushes out of and to replace your old polluting plastic toothbrushes with. 

Moso bamboo is a type of bamboo known for its ability to grow quickly, up to a meter a day. And with the toughness of the wood, moso bamboo is panda-friendly since it is not a food source for panda bears.

Even with heat-treated bamboo, bamboo products are biodegradable in nature. Compared to plastic, which can take up to 500 years, bamboo products have been shown to degrade and decompose anywhere between a few months to a few years.


💚My favorites are here. 🌸

  • 🌿 My number one first recommendation is FOREO. It is the one I use personally and I found my teeth to be whiter with this toothbrush, it is easy to use and to keep it clean. It does need charging only 1 a year, impressive. Great for travel as well. The world’s most hygienic and eco-friendly toothbrush!  Made with Medical-grade silicone100% biodegradable materials!


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eco friendly Wooden Toothbrushes