Weight Loss

🌸🌿 Losing weight is primally diet, lifestyle, and exercise. For extra help,  these products help you and support you during your healthy weight loss. Ask your doctor, nutritionist, personal trainer, or naturopath to give a protocol.

When starting a healthy protocol you will wake up feeling lighter, cleaner, energized, and refreshed with an improvement in digestion, elimination, mental clarity, skin, and sleep.

🌿Consider detoxing: Livers are responsible for removing toxins and detoxing our bodies naturally.

We live in a toxic world surrounded by processed food, pollution, chemical-filled drinking water, toxic laundry products fumes coming from washing machines and dryer vents, and more, and our livers are affected.

The job of our livers is to keep us healthy, regardless of what we’re exposed to. But when we’re exposed to too much, our livers need some extra support. Symptoms of a congested liver can include fatigue, headaches, constipation, diarrhea, and/or nausea. Support your liver with some love and experience more vibrant health!

​Whenever you feel a hunger pang strike, just drink a glass of water. Our bodies often mistake thirst signals for hunger. Hunger (especially if you’re overweight) is often just dehydration. So drink plenty of water and organic herbal teas.

🌿 Here for home gym equipment. from organic yoga mats, and meditation pillows to nontoxic dumbells  

sustainable swimwear, bikes, indoor bikes, and treadmills

I collected here the resources and organic products to help you naturally support healthy weight loss!

 Always ask your doctor before starting!